ما هي لوحة البطارية V-mount؟


ما هي لوحة البطارية V-mount؟

كان تصميم لوحة البطارية على شكل حرف V يهدف في الأصل إلى تلبية الطلب على إمدادات الطاقة طويلة المدى للأجهزة المختلفة.

The V-shaped battery plate is an accessory that allows V-mount batteries to be connected to cameras, film lights, monitors, and various photographic equipment. It features a V-shaped lock that securely holds the V-mount battery in place, preventing it from falling off or loosening due to vibration or impact. This design helps ensure stable operation of the equipment to a certain extent.

The V-shaped battery plate typically features multiple output interfaces, including but not limited to D-Tap, USB, DC ports, etc. These interfaces enable it to power a variety of devices such as cameras, film lights, monitors, digital SLR cameras, smartphones, and more. Additionally, V-shaped battery plates offer multiple voltage output options, allowing them to meet the voltage requirements of different devices, ensuring stable power support during operation.

  • Usage Scenarios
  1. Long-duration shooting:

In scenarios requiring extended shooting periods, the original batteries of cameras often have limited capacity and cannot meet shooting demands. V-mount batteries can be used to power the camera instead. Insert the V-mount battery into the V-lock battery plate, then mount the battery plate onto the camera rig. This setup ensures the camera operates steadily for extended periods.

  1. Powering multiple devices:

In complex shooting environments, there is often a need to power multiple devices simultaneously. The V-shaped battery plate, with its various output interfaces, can supply power to devices such as cameras, monitors, smartphones, and more concurrently.

  • مزايا

  1. Stability:

The V-shaped lock design, paired with V-mount batteries, ensures secure battery installation. This effectively prevents loosening or dropping of the battery due to vibrations or impacts, ensuring stability during device operation.

  1. وظائف:

The V-mount battery plate offers multiple voltage output options to meet various device power requirements.

  1. كفاءة:

With multiple interfaces, the V-lock battery plate can power multiple devices simultaneously using a single battery. This enhances workflow efficiency, making shooting operations smoother and more efficient.

Taking the YC-VP1 as an example, it features multiple interfaces:

– TYPE-C output for devices like smartphones and laptops with TYPE-C ports.

– 12V DC port for monitors, lights, etc.

– 8V DC port compatible with various digital cameras like Canon, Sony, Panasonic, BMPCC.

– 5V USB port for recorders, microphones, splitters, etc.

– D-TAP output for monitors, transmitters, film lights, etc.

  1. Convenience:

The V-shaped battery plate supports hot-swapping, allowing for quick and convenient battery replacement on-site during shooting.

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